On the 160th anniversary of its foundation, from November 7th to November 10th the Politecnico of Torino will organize the first edition of the Festival della Tecnologia, four days of public meeting to discuss, with an accessible language and in an interdisciplinary manner, the relationship between technology and society and to strengthen the dialogue between academia and society.
Within this context, UNICRI is organizing a special session, entitled Big Data and the fight against organized crime. The panel of experts will be composed by Francesco Marelli, Head of Unit, UNICRI; Giovanni Russo, Deputy Head Prosecutor, Antimafia and Antiterrorism Directorate (DNAA), Italy; and Jean-Marie Le Goff, Senior Scientist, European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN).
The meeting, which will be held Saturday 9 November from 2 p.m. to 3:15 p.m., will represent an opportunity to enhance knowledge of the use of this technology by government authorities in the fight against organized crime, in particular by analysing and monitoring the infiltration of organized crime in the legal economy.
The panel of experts will address various issues related to the collection and analysis of structured and unstructured data, in order to spot the links between individuals and criminal groups, identify and visualize trends, organizational models and future criminal strategies.
For further information and accreditation please contact: unicri.publicinfo@un.org
The initiative is part of UNICRI’s Knowledge Center “Security Improvements through Research, Technology and Innovation" (SIRIO) in Geneva. The Center is engaging industry and research institutions (both public and private) as well as governmental and inter-governmental entities to analyse and promote knowledge and technology solutions to address emerging security risks. The main thematic areas considered by SIRIO are: supply chain security, critical infrastructures, cyber-space, the management of chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear (CBRN) material as well as the potential security risks related to Big Data analytics, biotechnology and nano-technology, and artificial intelligence. The Center is, in particular, dedicated to identifying and analysing emerging and future security risks; mapping technology innovations to match security needs; and raise awareness and inform policy-makers about emerging risks and innovative solutions, while promoting results of SIRIO’s activity.