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Presentation to the International press of Freedom From Fear Magazine

Berlin -

Max Planck Representation
Wissenscahftsforum, Markgrafenstasse, 37

Freedom From Fear Magazine (F3) is to be presented to the German and the international press during the next Max Planck Institute Forum, which will be held in Berlin, on Tuesday 1 September 2009, at 7:30 p.m.

The official launch of the magazine, co-published by UNICRI and the Max Planck Institute, will be hosted within the framework of the annual symposium of the German-based institute. The appointment is one of the best-known cultural rendezvous of the German landscape and it brings together some of the most influential intellectuals, politicians, and representatives of the economic world.

The potential and limits of corruption” is the title of the debate promoted to examine the latest implications of the international legislation against corruption; the debate will discuss the recent case of the Deutsch Bahn, involving the former head of the state controlled rail company where an investigation was conducted over the misuse of employee data, illegal procurement of data via external service providers and the handling of emails, computer hard drives and network hard drives.

The German case will be the thematic teaser of the conference:

The Director of the Max Planck Institute for Foreign and Criminal Law, Prof. Hans-Jorg Albrecht, and the Director of UNICRI, Mr. Sandro Calvani will embody the discussion panel, addressing the question: “Fighting against corruption at all costs?”

The experts, moderated by the head of the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF), Mr. Wolfgang Hetzer, will try to analyse how and to what extent the right to investigate corruption charges can interfere with the individual’s right to privacy.

The last edition of F3 was almost entirely dedicated to corruption, a growing phenomenon that is affecting the global security and economy.

25 percent of the GDP of African states lost to corruption every year, amounting to $148 billion, estimates U4, the Anti Corruption Resource centre.

According to the figures released this year by Transparency International: the impact of the financial crisis had increased people’s fear of corruption among private companies.

In 2007, approximately 53% of the 73,000 respondents from 69 countries saw corruption in private sectors: this marked a 45% increase from the 2004 poll. One fifth of the countries where the survey was conducted perceived the private sectors to be more corrupt than other sectors.

Freedom From Fear is a quarterly magazine that aims to broaden knowledge about the hottest and most actual issues concerning the international community. The purpose of Freedom From Fear Magazine is to raise discussions amid experts of governmental and non-governmental organizations, policy makers, military personnel, scholars, undergraduates, and to enhance awareness for those who are not practised that well acquainted with these areas of interest.