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Enhancing Major Events Security through Knowledge and Information Sharing

International Permanent Observatory

Vancouver -

Americas National Focal Point Workshop

The United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI), in cooperation with the Interamerican Committee Against Terrorism (CICTE), is organizing the 2010 International Permanent Observatory (IPO) Americas National Focal Point Workshop thanks to the generous contribution of the Canadian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The workshop envisages the participation of representatives from more than 20 countries from the American Hemisphere.

The workshop, organized within the framework of IPO Americas, the regional initiative for the Americas of the International Permanent Observatory on Major Events Security, is convened as a part of UNICRI and CICTE's efforts to create a common platform for the Americas to enhance major events security through knowledge and information sharing among all participating countries.

Launched in 2007 by the UNICRI Security Governance / Counter Terrorism Laboratory in cooperation with CICTE, IPO Americas seeks to facilitate mutual assistance among countries in the Americas, as well as to share best practices with other regional contexts.

Since 2003 UNICRI has assisted a significant number of countries in security planning terms. The Institute's comprehensive range of security planning services is offered for events such as the Olympic Games, other Major Sporting Events, G8 and other Political Summits, World and Regional Championships, Expos and other mass events.

The workshop will assess the baseline of the cooperative framework for the upcoming years through a deep analysis of the national capacities and experiences developed in planning the security of major events.

Vancouver is the location selected to allow the Canadian authorities to share with the participants the lessons learnt from the security planning of the 2010 Winter Olympic Games.

The workshop will include study visits to Olympic sites to witness first hand the security efforts for a major event, as well as the security infrastructure implemented during the Winter Olympic Games.