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Deadline for applications: 9 October 2017



The specialized training will deepen knowledge on the ways corruption infiltrates the political, economic and social spheres all over the world. Weak governance often comes to coexist with corruption and a mutually causal nexus exists in between corruption and feeble institutions, often ending up in a vicious circle. Corruption determines the misusing of governments’ resources by diverting them from sectors of vital importance such as health, education and development. Among the implications there is also the raising of the price of public services and the reduced accessibility from large segment of the population. Corruption feeds socio-economical inequality and the loss of confidence in public institutions. Social instability and violence arise as a result of growing inequality, poverty and mass-level mistrust of political leaders and institutions.

Corruption of public officials is the condition for a wide range of criminal phenomena spanning from trafficking in persons and drug, arms smuggling, counterfeiting, environmental crimes, and all forms of illicit trade in general.

Corruption pollutes the markets, politics and development. More than 20 billion dollars is estimated to be stolen by corrupt officials every year. Impunity and control over the territory render criminals stronger. Honest people and in particular entrepreneurs may find more difficult to resist to the criminal pressures when the rule of law is undermined and criminals are stronger than the state. They will be less likely to denounce pressures, violence and extortion if they do not consider public authorities capable of protecting them and enforce the law. Organized crime enjoys impunity when a government is unable to perform its functions, strong institutional capacity is therefore crucial to effectively address the phenomenon.


The training will focus on how organized crime uses corruption to run its criminal machine. The course will also serve for a detailed analyses of the international legal framework to prevent and counter corruption. In particular it will focus on the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC). The Convention is the only legally binding universal anti-corruption instrument. The Convention's far-reaching approach and the mandatory character of many of its provisions make it a unique tool for developing a comprehensive response to a global problem. Acting as the Convention's guardian, the United nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) keeps a global program to assist Member States, especially developing countries, to apply the Convention's provisions. To that end, it offers technical assistance directed to both the public and private sectors.

Furthermore, the training will address the project on assets recovery that UNICRI is implementing in cooperation with the European Union. UNICRI is working closely with the Governments of Egypt and Tunisia to efficiently return stolen assets, as well as to trace and identify other assets that have yet to be seized. The project is guided by the framework and provisions of the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC). Asset recovery, particularly when carried out in a coordinated manner, is the most powerful message against the impunity of those involved in corruption and money laundering. Beyond its significance in contributing to economic recovery, the return of stolen assets responds to a moral and legal imperative in terms of justice and accountability being restored in the spirit of democracy and the rule of law. Asset recovery enhances effective, accountable and transparent institutions, reduces illicit financial and arms flows and supports peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development.

The training will focus on:

  • Different forms of corruption and their impact on development and stability
  • Money laundering and terrorism financing
  • The United Nations Convention against Corruption and the global anti-corruption framework:
  1. Preventive measures
  2. Criminalization and law enforcement
  3. International cooperation
  4. Technical assistance and information exchange.
  5. Mutual Legal Assistance and International Cooperation 
  • Case Study: UNICRI's project on asset recovery
  1. Management of recovered assets
  2. The law enforcement perspective on asset recovery
  3. Tools that can help asset recovery: informal networks and financial analysis
  4. Confiscation of proceeds of crime
  5. Judicial vs non-penal based forfeiture of assets

The lecturers are representatives from local, regional, and national organizations (including the law enforcement and the judiciary), academics and policy makers.

The training module will promote transfer of good practices and enhance networking with national, regional and international organizations, and research centres.

Course information

The course lasts 5 days and is designed for university graduates in Law, Political Science, International Relations, Economics, Social Science, Public Policy and other relevant disciplines. It is also suited to professionals working in governmental institutions, local authorities, international and non-governmental organizations. Upon full completion of the course the UNICRI will grant a Certificate of Participation.