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UN Personnel Killed in Northern Somalia

UNICRI's Condolences

Turin -

UNICRI expresses with deep sadness and sorrow the passing of staff and civilians alike that were affected by the excessive events which occurred in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Northern Somalia.

The tragedy that took the life of Mohamed Geele and Sayd Hashi who were killed in the car bomb attack on the UNDP compound in Hargeisa (Somalia) is profoundly mourned by UNICRI. Our deepest sympathy and sincerest condolences are extended to all family members and staff impacted by this tragic event.

The events that have unfolded are a continuous reminder of the danger and threat that UN personnel are under and UN offices are ever more beleaguered by the hazards which come from working in war-torn areas.

UNICRI acknowledges that increased security measures are needed to protect the lives of its staff. UNICRI is accountable to provide the most effective security protection to all staff members and it is vitally necessary that all risks to UN staff be properly evaluated.