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2010 - 2020, a challenging decade for global security

Milan -

UNICRI, which has a global mandate for the protection of Major Events and with its Laboratory on Security Governance and Counter-Terrorism, is the leader of the working group on public-private partnerships in the United Nations Counter-Terrorism Implementation Task Force (CTITF), will hold the inaugural conference: "2010 - 2020, a challenging decade for global security” on 17th November. Authorities from all over the world, including those currently preparing to host a Major Event will participate in this conference. The opening conference will make specific reference to security at Major Events.

Major Events represent true laboratories for innovation, particularly in terms of their contribution to the development of long-term global security policies. Representatives from the City of Milan and Lombardy Region will be present. In addition there will be representatives from Russia, which is organising the 2014 Winter Olympic Games, and Brazil, which is hosting the 2014 FIFA World Cup and the 2016 Summer Olympic Games. Major Events will be the starting point for outlining security challenges for the next decade. Creating Public- Private partnerships, especially in the technology sector, represents an important opportunity to improve security.

UNICRI in collaboration with Fiera Milano and with the support of Motorola will run three thematic workshops with the participation of high level speakers who will be representing  United Nations Member States, local authorities and private sector actors who are committed to ensuring the global security of soft targets. The meeting schedule is set out below:

"The technology at the service of security during major events" (Wednesday, 17 November 14:30)

"The new frontiers for Urban Safety (Thursday, 18 November 10:30)

"The protection of critical infrastructure of traditional and renewable energy sources" (Friday, 19 November 10:30)

UNICRI will be at SICUREZZA at Pavillion 2, Stand S17-T20.