The Swedish National Police Board, a partner in the EU-SEC II Consortium, hosted 22 EU Member States' representatives and the United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI) in Stockholm, on 27 January 2011 for the presentation of the EU-SEC II strategic Roadmap for the creation of the European House of Major Events Security (the House), a milestone in the project.
The House will be the main outcome of EU-SEC II, a three year European Commission funded project that, under the coordination of UNICRI, aims at strengthening the coordination of national research and planning for security at Major Events. In the presence of a mixed audience of participants, which ranged from EU-SEC II partners, representatives from the private security industry, and the media, the Direction des Ressources et des Competences de la Police Nationale - the French partner of the EU-SEC II Consortium, responsible for the design of the Roadmap - unveiled the highlights of the EU-SEC II Strategic Roadmap.
The Roadmap contains an analysis of all the main outputs and achievements of the project. The Roadmap conclusions presented during the meeting were: that the House would be an effective and a fundamental tool to respond to European end-users needs for coordination in the security planning at Major Events. In addition, it was underlined that the House could play an important role in implementing parts of the Stockholm Programme, which defines strategic guidelines for legislative and operational planning within the area of freedom, security and justice.
The purpose of this Strategic Roadmap is to provide policy recommendations in the field of security planning at European level to relevant EU Institutions. Some of the recommendations included in the EU-SEC II Strategic Roadmap, were that focus should be given to key areas such as resources (both human and financial) to ensure that a common policing approach to security planning is achievable. Serious consideration ought to be given to training in the field of security at major events as it would result in the adoption of a common security approach across Europe. Furthermore, national authorities' commitment to the House should be ensured.
The House has been unanimously identified by the project partners (all end-users) as a tool that will offer added value to the security planning phase for Major Events. The services/tools that the House will offer have all been already identified and tested within the framework of the EU-SEC II project.
For more information on EU-SEC II please see:
For further press information please contact:
Mr. Stefano Giachi: giachi