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XVI Pan-American Games

Security Training and Table Top Exercise

Mexico City -

UNICRI, in cooperation with the Inter-American Committee against Terrorism of the Organization of the American States (OAS/SMS/CICTE) and thanks to the financial contribution of the Canadian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, is implementing the programme "XVI Pan-American Security Games - Training and Table Top Exercise". The training will be hosted by the Centre for Investigation and National Security (CISEN) of Mexico, from 28 March to 1 April 2011.

With a focus on security coordination and integration, the training will be attended by 48 Mexican representatives of local, national, and federal agencies of law enforcement, fire brigades, civil protection and health services which will be involved in the security of the Pan-American Games that will take place in October 2011, in Guadalajara, Mexico.

The five days programme will be structured in two sessions as follow:

Session I: three-day training focused on: Mass Gathering and Public Health, Intelligence, VIP Protection, Nuclear Security Measures and Venue Security. Representatives from Brazil, Canada, and USA, and international experts from organizations with extensive experience in major events' security, such as IAEA and WHO will present these issues.

Session II: A two-day Table Top Exercise, tailored to the specific environment and needs of the XVI Pan-American Games and aimed at testing security coordination effectiveness based on international best practices.