Within the framework of the War Crimes Justice Project UNICRI produced, together with the Association of Defence Counsel practising before the ICTY (ADC-ICTY), a Manual on International Criminal Defence. The Manual provides an overview of some of the most effective and innovative practices developed by defence counsel representing accused before the ICTY. This publication is intended to be a reference tool for defence counsel defending cases of war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide before national courts in the former Yugoslavia. In particular, the Manual deals with several problematic issues common to the various jurisdictions of the former Yugoslavia, such as use and challenging of ICTY-generated evidence, how to conduct an effective plea bargaining, how to deal with various kinds of witnesses and other relevant topics.
The publication is available in English, Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian and
Albanian and can be downloaded from the following link: http://wcjp.unicri.it/deliverables/manual.php