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Reframing Addiction in Europe

Addiction and Lifestyles in Contemporary Europe: Reframing Addiction Project

On the occasion of the Alcohol Prevention Day, organized by the Italian National Observatory on Alcohol and WHO Collaborating Centre of the Superior Institute of Health with the aim of increasing awareness on damages related to alcohol use and abuse, the United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI) will officially launch the European Union project "Addiction and Lifestyles in Contemporary Europe: Reframing Addiction Project" (ALICE RAP) on behalf of its Italian partners and will present to the audience and to the press the ALICE RAP Focal points in Italy.

ALICE RAP is a trans-disciplinary project involving over 100 scientists from 73 institutions in 31 countries working together to produce an integrated evidence base for informed policy action. The project aims to help policy makers “re-think and re-shape” current and future approaches to the huge human and economic costs of addictions and lifestyles in Europe. It aims to critically analyse currently fragmented research and strengthen scientific evidence to inform a new dynamic platform for public and political dialogue and productive debate on current and alternative approaches to addictions.

In Europe the human and economic costs of addictions and lifestyles are huge, some examples: 1 in 5 deaths of all premature deaths and ill-health is due to addictionsi while at least one tenth of all costs in Europe's health systems flow into the treatment of various addictions. E.U. citizens drink more alcohol per-capita then in any other Region in the world iiand, between 8 and 10% of all Europeans' diseases and injuries are related to alcohol.

Within the project UNICRI contributes, together with other partners, to the definition of addiction, the estimate of the social costs attributable to alcohol, illegal drugs and tobacco, as well as gambling and gaming. The Institute also contributes to the development of new knowledge on the revenues generated by addictions.

ALICE RAP is a 10 million Euro project co-financed by the 7th Framework Programme of the European Commission, and coordinated by a team in the Hospital Clinic Foundation, of the University of Barcelona

For further information please contact
Marina Mazzini Tel: +39 011 6537141