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4. Local Nigerian NGOs training and capacity building

Through training, capacity building support and technical assistance the Programme aims to strengthen the capacities of local NGOs in providing Nigerian minors and young women (actual or potential victims of trafficking) with Through training, capacity building support and technical assistance the Programme aimed to strengthen the capacities of local NGOs in providing Nigerian minors and young women (actual or potential victims of trafficking) with needed services. Nigerian NGOs already received basic training during the implementation of phase 1 of the Programme. This phase of the specialized training course for the Edo State NGO Coalition Against Trafficking in Persons (ENCATIP) was designed and developed by an Italian Association TAMPEP ( in collaboration with the National Agency for the Prohibition of Traffic in Persons (NAPTIP). The Association TAMPEP specifically designed a training manual for the training. The training course was structured as follows:

  • Two-weeks of intensive training took place in July 2008;
  • a distance-long training module August 2008-May 2009;
  • One week of conclusive training held on 13-17 July 2009.

The whole training module was carried out by UNICRI in collaboration with Association TAMPEP and NAPTIP. NGO staff and their affiliates, implementing the project’s prevention, assistance and reintegration activities, benefit from training in areas such as counseling and rehabilitation of victims, legal protection and administrative support, provision of a ‘minimum package of empowerment activities’ and management of micro-finance schemes. Moreover, the NGOs received training in strategic planning, monitoring and evaluation and reporting. This allowed them to better assist victims of trafficking and facilitate their successful reintegration and to carry out prevention activities with a broader outreach, coverage and impact.

From the 15 July till the 24 July 2008, the Anti-Trafficking Training for NGOs was held in Abuja. The training was organized by TAMPEP in coordination with UNICRI/UNODC. The training targeted members of the ENCATIP and NAPTIP personnel, and it covered victims’ assistance and social reintegration. Particular attention was paid to the needs and problems of trafficked minors, as well as to networking at a bilateral (Nigeria – Italy) and international level for victims assistance and social reintegration.

The Training course was attended by 14 participants: 2 representatives of NAPTIP and 12 representatives of the NGO Coalition (2 per NGO). Fourteen experienced trainers from Nigeria and Italy, as well as from the UN and EU, participated in the course. Representatives of NAPTIP Headquarters and the Italian Embassy attended the opening ceremony.

A key strength of the training was the expertise of the trainers, who were able to provide local Nigerian NGOs with true accounts, real-life cases, and an in-depth understanding of issues, based upon years of practical experience. For example, NAPTIP trainers provided the participants with a review of legislation on trafficking, prostitution and migration in Nigeria, and they led the discussion on the actions needed to improve the practice of identifying victims. NAPTIP trainers delivered presentations on voodoo aspects related to the trafficking in human beings: particular attention was given to the historical background of voodoo beliefs, how voodoo is seen by the law and how it is used in modern-day Nigeria in relation to trafficking and exploitation.

The training course was designed to provide participants with a firm understanding of the major challenges and issues that Nigerian minors and women face in Italy. Moreover the program was designed to share with Nigerian NGOs the perspectives of a destination country as it addresses the phenomenon of illegal migration and problems of human trafficking. The overall training course was successful in attaining its objectives.
Following the successful accomplishment of the first Anti-Trafficking Training for NGOs. The long-distance learning component of the training programme started in August and ended in May 2009.

The July 2009 intensive training entitled “Providing Services to and Case Management of Victims of Trafficking in Human Beings in Nigeria was carried out in Abuja and conducted by Association TAMPEP in collaboration with UNICRI/UNODC and NAPTIP experts.

The conclusive training course was attended by 15 participants: 2 representatives of NAPTIP Benin City Zonal Office, 12 representatives of ENCATIP (2 per NGO) and ENCATIP Project Officer. This second training session aimed to increase and to improve the field research, local and international networking and skills in writing complete grant proposals by ENCATIP members. The trainers were able to provide participants with true accounts, real-life cases, and in-depth understanding of issues, based upon years of practical experience.

The outcome of the NGO training component was the following: participants learned about programmes and services provided to victims by NAPTIP and in destination countries (e.g. Italy, Greece), acquired skills on assisting methods to victims, and received competencies on fundraising. Furthermore, participants indicated additional thematic issues that could be included in future training such as computer based analysis on trafficking and updates on Italian trends at combating trafficking, as well as more information on accessing the EU grants.