Cyber Threats Masterclass

The UNICRI Masterclass on Cyber Threats aims to provide media and public relations professionals, as well as those planning a career in public information and communication, with a deeper understanding of new threats to independent reporting and information sharing. The focus of the course is on cyber threats, digital security and the role of media in countering misinformation.
Information is one of the most powerful tools: it influences political decision-making and public opinion and ultimately establishes most of the priorities and the agenda items of the international community. This makes the independence of journalists and the accuracy of their reporting particularly important, especially when covering security issues.
The limitations to independent and accurate reporting are amplified by the increasing prevalence of misinformation in an interconnected world, and the continuance of threats to journalists’ safety and threats to freedom of the press more generally. To deepen the understanding of these challenges, the United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI) organizes a specialized course on cyber security from 6 to 7 November 2017.
Over the two-day course participants will become acquainted with the latest developments in cyber threats, crisis communication strategies and privacy issues. Journalists and public information professionals will acquire key tools to find and verify sources reliability, to secure their personal information and media infrastructures, to frame ethical debates on national security and freedom of expression.
Participants will meet high-level cyber security experts, as well as practitioners from international organizations and media professionals in this field, expanding their professional network in a select, international environment.
Photo by Taskin Ashiq on Unsplash