UNICRI Security Governance/Counter-Terrorism Laboratory's analysis on public-private partnerships to strengthen the protection of vulnerable targets has reached an outstanding audience.
Aimed to tell an innovative image of Africa, finis terrae – literally land’s end – is the new monthly review published by the homonymous publishing house.
The United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI), the Madariaga – College of Europe Foundation and the UN Regional Information Center (UNRIC) have organized a Brie
The meeting, organized in Turin by UNICRI, will see the participation, among the others, of NATO, EU, UNODC, UNOSAT, US Department of Defence, Malaysia intelligence services and Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affaires and will be chaired by the Itali
The Conference, entitled Innovative Policies to Advance Security Governance, will take place on the 22 January 2009 and is aimed to brief the Member States, international and regional organizations and civil society
UNICRI laboratory on Security Governance and Counter Terrorism (SGCT)presented its activity and briefed the Member States, on the action undertaken during the “Innovative Policies to advance Security Govern
The new UNICRI office in Tuscany (Italy) was presented yesterday to the press by the UNICRI Director, Mr. Sandro Calvani, the chief of the Security Governance - Counter Terrorism Laboratory, Mr.
Fundamental Rights - The protection of Fundamental Rights in European Law. The case law of the European Court of Justice and the European Court of Human Rights.
The Conference, entitled Innovative Policies to Advance Security Governance, will take place on the 22 January 2009 and is aimed to brief the Member States, international and regional organizations and civil society on the action undertaken by UNICRI’s Laboratory on Security Governance and Counter-Terrorism to foster its security governance approach in different thematic fields.
UNICRI - United Nations Interregional Crime Research Institute – the Institute of the United Nations established in 1968 to assist intergovernmental, governmental and non-governmental organizations in formulating and implementing improved policies in the field of crime prevention and criminal justice, is expanding its training activity by opening a new Office at Pomezia University Campus, near Rome, dedicated to advanced training, applied research and technical assistance.
Max Planck Representation
Wissenscahftsforum, Markgrafenstasse, 37
Freedom From Fear Magazine (F3) is to be presented to the German and the international press during the next Max Planck Institute Forum, which will be held in Berlin, on Tuesday 1 September 2009, at 7:30 p.m.
Mr. Sandro Calvani, Director of UNICRI, has been named Chairperson of the World Economic Forum’s Global Agenda Council on Illicit Trade, along with Mr. Jack Chang, Vice Chairman of the aforementioned Council.
UNICRI and the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW, the implementing body of the Chemical Weapons Convention working in close cooperation with the UN system) have organised a one-day international seminar on illicit trafficking of chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear material (CBRN). The event will take place on Wednesday, 18 March 2009 at the OPCW Headquarters in The Hague.
The first UNICRI short-course on Principles of Ethics in the United Nations’ and in the European Community’s Systems will take place at the Sapienza’s Campus in Pomezia (University of Rome) from November 16th to November 20th, 2009.
UNICRI, in collaboration with the United Arab Emirates Ministry of Interior and under the Patronage of His Highness Lt. General Sheikh Saif Bin Zayed Al Nahyan will convene the First International Symposium "Security measures and technical solutions for major events and expanding cities” in Abu Dhabi from 18 to 20 May 2009.
The Symposium is the initial phase of a longer-term UNICRI programme to boost dialogue and collaboration between security technology providers and end-users.