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The project was implemented in collaboration with the NGO FACE.

Development of a survey on the status of data collection on human trafficking in Thailand

In order to have all the necessary information for the development of a national database on human trafficking in Thailand, a study was undertaken to map and analyze the existing information systems relating to human trafficking, including child trafficking for sexual purposes.

The analysis focused on data collection on the investigation and prosecution of trafficking cases, as well as on victims recovery and reintegration. Existing databases developed by givernmental, non-governmental, inter-governmental and UN agencies, active at national and local levels in the three selected regions of Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai and Pattaya, were identified and examined.

The study determined the strenghts and weaknesses of these systems and gathered recommendations from stakeholders involved in their use and administration, to further elaborate a more responsive and useful system.[more]

Design of a national database on human trafficking (

Based on the results of the above mentioned survey, a national database on human trafficking cases was designed for implementation in the near future.

The database has been conceived as an intranet website, providing holistic data on both the prosecution of cases and victims assistance. It will also be an important tool in strengthening the exchange of information among stakeholders (including NGOs), and in helping government authorities in the formulation of policies as well as in their planning, monitoring and evaluation.

The website is arranged on three levels. The first level is accessible to the public and contains general information on the phenomenon, such as statistics on human trafficking cases, countries of origin or of destination of trafficked victims, trends and so on; the other two levels provide confidential data that can only be accessed by officials dealing with an individual case.

The database template was improved through recommendations provided by the agencies concerned, such as police, prosecutors, judges, as well as NGOs working on the issue. The template was then submitted to the "National Sub-Committee to Set Up a Database on Human Trafficking", that is working under the Office of the Prime Minister. The system will be managed by a central Government authority and its use made compulsory through a government order.

Development and implementation of a multi-disciplinary training curriculum on human trafficking and training sessions

In collaboration with the Center for the Protection of Children's Rights (CPCR), the Thai Asia Foundation (TAF), and TRAFCORD, FACE has developed a multi-disciplinary training curriculum on trafficking in human beings, especially women and children. The aim of this tool is to create a better understanding of trafficking as a crime and as a violation of human rights, and to provide for the tools and skills to adequately respond. The curriculum adopts a multi-disciplinary approach, in order to enhance cooperation while increasing effective prosecution. Moreover, the curriculum is targeted to a wide range of actors, such as judges, public prosecutors, police officers, immigration personnel, social workers, staff of NGOs and international organizations, and psychologists.

The training curriculum was tested during three five-days training sessions carried out in the Central, Northern and Southern regions of Thailand.

More than 140 participants from governmental and non governmental agencies participated in the sessions in Ayutthaya, Chiang Mai and Song Khla and provided with their comments on the training tool. Feedback from the trainees and trainers who conducted courses, together with suggestions from experts and experienced people involved, were incorporated into the final version of the manual. The curriculum was published in Thai Language and was distributed to relevant stakeholders.