The effective contrast to hate speech through an action of training to journalists, bloggers and social media managers is one of the primary goals of the Prism project, which organizes a workshop on responsible information on 2nd july in Florence.
The meeting, organized by Arci (lead partner of the project) and Associazione Carta di Roma in collaboration with the Robert Kennedy Foundation and LSDI - Press Freedom and Right to Information, will foster the dialogue among a wide range of stakeholders of the sector on different types of media aimed at contrasting extremism, violence and discrimination online. The activity programme will be officialy opened by the President of Arci Francesca Chiavacci, the President of Carta di Roma Giovanni Maria Bellu and the Mayor of Prato and political delegate to immigration of the Italian Association of Municipalities Anci Matteo Biffoni. Frank La Rue (Robert Kenendy Foundation Europe), Elena D'Angelo UNICRI and the writer and activist Lorella Zanardo will be the speakers of the first session, that will be followed by a panel discussion on the best experiences of contrast to hate speech carried out in Italy and Europe. Nadia Ferrigo (La Stampa), Ricardo Gutierrez (European Federation of Journalists), Vicent Partal (Vilaweb) and Iulia Rosu (Adevarul) will take part to the roundtable. In the afternoon, journalists and bloggers participating to the event will take part to thematic workshops dedicated to hate speech on media, in schools and online: in this framework experiences, ideas and visions on the hate speech related topics will be exchanged between participants and thematic experts.
Providing research and possible common solutions to prevent and contrast hate speech in Europe is among the main objectives of the Prism project, which is involving different types of stakeholders from local to European level. Arci is the lead partner of the Prism project while the other partners are from five European countries (Italy, France, Spain, Romania and Great Britain).
Along the project activities, Prism will promote European awareness campaigns and initiatives particularly focused on young people in order to contrast hate speech through a proper use of language and images on the web. Best practices and solutions emerged within the Prism project will contribute in a decisive way to reduce the effects of the intolerance and extremism raising in Europe against minorities and vulnerable groups on traditional and social media.
Communication PRISM project:
Simone d’Antonio (ANCI-Cittalia) - +393316797556 Marco Buemi (UNAR) – m.buemi