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Strengthening the ethical and human rights component of the drug control initiatives is at the basis of the collaboration that UNICRI has established with the Ministry of Health, since 1991 and, more recently, with the Department for Drug Policy of its Host Country, Italy, to develop tools and instruments for professional knowledge sharing. This includes the establishment of a clearinghouse on drug prevention and related social phenomena, the publishing of a specialized scientific journal, and an advanced training programme for continuing education in drug prevention and control.


African Malaria Network Trust – AMANET
Wenceslaus L. Kilama, Managing Trustee, Tanzania Commission for Science and Technology
Roma Chilengi, Clinical Trials Coordinator, Tanzania Commission for Science and Technology


Centre for the AIDS Programme of Research in South Africa – CAPRISA
Jerome A. Singh, Head of the CAPRISA Bioethics Programme, Nelson R. Mandela School of Medicine, University of KwalaZulu-Natal


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