Funded by the European Union
Within the framework of the European Union Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Centres of Excellence (EU CBRN CoE) initiative, the Sixth Round Table meeting for the Eastern and Central Africa (ECA) National Focal Points was held in Dar es Salaam, on 13-15 April 2016.
The three-day meeting was organized in collaboration with the Tanzania Atomic Energy Commission and brought together representatives and experts from ten partner countries in the region, namely Burundi, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ghana, Malawi, Kenya, Rwanda, Seychelles, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia, as well as Ethiopia which is considered as a potential partner country in the ECA region. Representatives from the European Union Directorate-General for International Cooperation and Development (DG-DEVCO), the European Union Delegation to Tanzania, the United Nations Resident Coordinator’s Office, the United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI) and Agriconsulting Europe (AESA) also attended the meeting.
The meeting participants were welcomed to Dar es Salaam by Prof. Iddi S. N. Mkilaha, Tanzanian National Focal Point, Director-General of Tanzania Atomic Energy Commission. The meeting was officiated by Prof. Evelyn I. Mbede, Director of Science and Technology in the Tanzanian Ministry of Education, Science, Technology and Vocational Training (MoESTVT). Representatives from DEVCO, the European Union Delegation to Tanzania and the UN Resident Coordinator’s Office delivered opening remarks.
The Sixth Round Table Meeting of the EU CBRN CoE for Eastern and Central Africa was the third of its kind to be held regionally, following previous events in Nairobi and Kampala. The purpose of the meeting was to facilitate regional approaches in matters of CBRN risks; to enhance national and regional interagency coordination and cooperation.
In preparation for the round-table meeting, a list of capacity-building priorities identified by countries in the ECA region was collected by the Regional Secretariat. This list was based on the information included in countries’ Needs Assessment Questionnaires (NAQs), in the National CBRN Action Plans (NAPs), and incorporated the priorities identified by the National Focal Points (NFPs) and their National CBRN Teams. This list, which was further refined during the meeting and incorporated inputs from participating countries, served as a critical starting point for the development of several specific project proposals.
During the first day of the meeting local and regional expertise were showcased and each of the National Focal Points provided an update on the CBRN CoE activities in their country. A presentation was delivered by the Kenyan National Focal Point on the experience of Kenya in creating a sustainable National Team with a budget allocated by the Government. Experts from the Democratic Republic of Congo and Uganda delivered presentations on management of biological risks, drawing from their extensive experience in managing the Ebola outbreaks.
National Focal Points of Kenya, Uganda, the DRC, Seychelles and Burundi illustrated their experience regarding the drafting and adoption of their respective CBRN National Action Plans.
The second and the third day of the meeting were dedicate to an extensive discussion on regional priorities. This approach was intended to ensure that future CoE projects continue to address the most urgent needs of all countries in the region.
The EU CBRN CoE Initiative is funded by the European Commission and implemented in cooperation with the United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI) and the European Commission Joint Research Center (JRC). The European External Action Service is also involved in the follow-up of the initiative. The initiative is developed with the technical support of relevant international and regional organisations, the EU Member States and other stakeholders, through coherent and effective cooperation at the national, regional and international level. The initiative involves 54 countries in 8 regions of the world
For more information:
CBRN Centres of Excellence website:
European Commission, Instrument contributing to Stability and Peace website: