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Preventing and Responding to the Use of Chemical Weapons by Non-State Actors for Terrorist Purposes in Indonesia

“Preventing and Responding to the Use of Chemical Weapons by Non-State Actors for Terrorist Purposes in Indonesia” is a project implemented in Indonesia by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) in partnership with UNICRI, and in collaboration with the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), and the International Criminal Police Organisation (INTERPOL).

Violent non-state, terrorist organizations and individuals continue to strive to produce or obtain chemical weapons capable of generating mass casualties, which are particularly attractive to such groups or ideologically inspired individuals around the world for multiple reasons. National authorities in Indonesia are alert to this threat and taking active measures to address it.

They also aim to ensure that, should an attack occur, they have the necessary set of specialized skills among suitably experienced and qualified law enforcement officials and security sector personnel. Indonesian authorities seek to partner with international institutions to ensure that their comprehensive, proactive approach reflects international good practices and the latest available knowledge.


Objectives and activities

The project’s objective is to significantly enhance the capability of Indonesian authorities to prevent, detect, and respond to the acquisition, development, and threat or use of chemical weapons by non-state actors, in particular for terrorist purposes. The project will then leverage these gains by empowering Indonesia to act as a regional centre of excellence, supporting other countries in South-East Asia to overcome similar challenges and address regional vulnerabilities.

The project’s activities will promote adherence to and implementation of the international legal regime against the acquisition and use of chemical weapons by non-state actors. In addition, the activities will promote the fulfilment of Indonesia’s obligations under United Nations Security Council resolutions 1540 (2004) and 2325 (2016) on the non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction by non-State actors. Finally, the activities will discuss the importance of implementing strategic trade control regimes.

Further information

For general information concerning projects on chemical and biological terrorism at UNODC, please click here.