The Report prepared by UNICRI on "Organized Crime and the Legal Economy" has been presented and discussed today in Naples during a workshop organized by UNICRI, the United States Department of State and the Municipality of Naples.
PRISM Workshop on Hate Speech and Hate Crime
Bucharest, 22-24 March 2016
A workshop on hate speech and hate crime will be held in Bucharest from 22–24 March 2016. The event is being organized by the United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI), in cooperation with the Fundaţia Dezvoltarea Popoarelor.
The workshop is addressed to lawyers and law enforcement officers and aims at promoting knowledge on hate speech and hate crime prevention strategies and actions.
A workshop on hate speech and hate crime will be held in Barcelona from 18–20 January 2016. The event is being organized by the United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI), in cooperation with the University of Barcelona. The workshop is addressed to lawyers and law enforcement officers and aims at promoting knowledge on hate speech and hate crime prevention strategies and actions.
The trafficking in counterfeit goods has grown to epidemic proportions across the globe. Currently, replicated goods have infiltrated almost every production sector, such as those of medicines, food and beverages, spare parts, toys, cosmetics, and electrical components.
A workshop on hate speech and hate crime will be held in Rome from 27–29 October 2015. The event is being organized by the United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI), in cooperation with the Institute for International Legal Studies of the National Research Council of Italy (CNR) and other partners. The workshop is addressed to lawyers and law enforcement agencies and aims at promoting knowledge on hate speech and hate crime prevention strategies and actions.
Application Deadline: 11 December 2015
Programme Overview
In January 2016 the Universidad Argentina John F. Kennedy of Buenos Aires in cooperation with the United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI) will launch the first edition of the Maestria en Derecho Penal y Justicia Internacional (Master of Laws in International Crime and Justice).
The programme represents a unique opportunity for students and young professionals who are interested in acquiring a legal specialization in International Criminal Law.
UNICRI, INTERPOL, partners conclude 2-year inquiry; report recommends ways to better enforce laws, monitor e-waste trade; cooperation vital to make stringent EU regulations function
Mismanagement of discarded electronics within Europe involves a volume 10 times that of e-waste shipped to foreign shores in undocumented exports, according to a comprehensive 2-year investigation into the functioning of the used and waste electronics market.
Winter School on Environmental Crimes
12-16 December 2016
Application deadline 2 December 2016
The United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI) and the Italian Society for International Organization (SIOI) are organizing the second edition of the Winter School on Environmental Crimes, which will take place at SIOI headquarters in Rome, from 12 to 16 December - 2016.
Violent extremism cannot be defeated without interventions addressing the root of the problem – the specific ideologies and motivations that stimulate recruitment into these criminal organizations. There is no single approach which is effective or appropriate to prevent and counter the phenomenon. Cultural, sociological and context-specific considerations have to be part of the national and international strategies.